Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014 - Coding

This week is the first time that I have seen coding and Hour of Coding.  I had no idea what it was.  I have watched the videos and enjoyed the enthusiasm that is shared.  I have been brainstorming of how I can do Hour of Code in my school.  At this point, it is hard to approach teachers in the high school with "another thing".  They are very busy with Core Curriculum, best practices, etc., etc..  I went down stairs to approach our technology teacher & he wasn't there.  As I was returning to my library, I decided that I would do it with my advisement students.  They are mostly 9th graders.  Its a small class, but this would be a great place to start.  I am going to begin the introduction with the 9 minute video on Hour of Code.  I thought it was a little long, but I love the part with the contraptions that appear to be from the future. 

I originally went to college for CAD CAM and data processing in 1981.  It was a long time ago, but I had to take programing classes way back in the BC time.  The is Before Computers in high schools.  I need to  read more on coding.  I have to get everything written down before the big week. :)  I will be back!

November 21, 2014 blogging

I love to follow blogs, however I still am not comfortable setting up a blog for/with my high school students.  We have My Big Campus that the students in 5-7 are using.  Next year, our 8th graders will be using it.  I have decided that I am going to start a knitting blog, get comfortable with that and see how it goes.  In the meantime, I am following the blog Teachthrutech.  I am not sure where I read on Cool Tools to join this, but I am glad I did.  I have already shared some of the ideas with other teachers & had our IT people add an app to the iPads.  That blog is set up so that it goes to my school email.  This is more convenient than going out to find the blog to red it.

Once I start my knitting blog, I will post on here how it is going.

I tried to start the blog for my Knitting &crocheting blog, however I can't upload photos.  I don't know what is wrong.  I read the help screens & I am doing everything right, but it is not uploading.  I will try again later.  I really need the photo part to upload my knitting projects & ideas.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 12, 2014 Thing 1: Blogging

November 11th  Thank you to our troops
I am just starting my second year of Cool Tools For Schools.  I am going to try to complete as much as I can.  I have high hopes for this year.  I started with Thing 1 Blogging because I needed a refresher on it.  As I am exploring all of the links on the page I am remembering why it would take me hours to get through the things.  I tend to click & read, click & read, click & read.  So far I am brainstorming how to use blogging in the library.  I am in a high school library & I know an English teacher that would jump on board with blogging.  I am sending all of the ideas of blogging with students to my email & trying to put together a plan to present to the teacher.  Now the one thing I am having trouble with is how the students will be able to keep up with their blogging this year.  Students in grade 9 do not have 1 to 1 computers.  We have laptop carts that we share with other classes.  Next year, the grade 9 students will each have their own iPads that the school has issued.  Do I need to wait until next year for blogging to be successful?

The current 7th graders, which are not in my building, will be getting iPads this Wednesday & Friday.  It is possible for me to go to that building & collaborate with the English 7 teacher.   I need to stop blogging & go explore Kidblog.  I will write more later.

Another question, is BlogSpot part of Google?  I tried to change my email address from to, however I can't find where to change it.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

thing 7 podcasting

I started out with Audioboo.  I signed up through my twitter account and was brainstorming of ways I can use these in my class.  Then I read the small print.  I costs money if you use it too much.  So now I'm going to skip that.  We have no money.
I looked at audioboo again and the. Project they did is similar to one we did with photostory 3 a few years ago.  Its almost identical.  I think with a little more exposure to Audioboo I can come up with some more ideas of how to use it with my unique situation of not seeing the students.  In many places the Audiboo lists as free and then another place it lists as 6.99 a month.

Right now I have my 12-1-1 students learning how to read aloud a children's book to a child. I received an article about how we should read a book aloud.  I took the article a created a month a lessons.  They are practicing the steps mentioned in the article.  The article listed about 30 good read aloud books. Ni borrowed all of them from the public library and had them choose their one book.  Soon we will be reading to pre k students.  I am going to do this again next year, but I will include podcasts.  I will have the students do a podcast for the first time they read the story.  Then when they think they are ready to read to PreK, I will have them do another podcast.  From there, they can critique themselves to see if they feel they are really ready to read to a child.  I have listened to the each student read.  I can hear where they need improvement and make suggestions, but they don't hear what I hear.  With a podcast, I think they will then have more of an understanding of what I am suggesting.

I went in and rediscovered audioboo after watching the video on how to do it.  I now have it on my iPhone and surface.  I even sent the info and podcast to my niece in Aurora, Colorado.  She done with school now, but she teaches photography.  The students can take a photo and do a podcast of what the photo is about or whatever she requires.  Heck, I can do it with my students, to.  Except, I won't be grading the photo.

I saved the article with Mr. Peachey, so I can refer to it for showing other middle school teachers how cool this.  I think I will send the a podcast to encourage them, but first, I need to try it with a few of my students.

I haven't heard the word screencasting before.  I have done Jing in the past.  I did some jings to show people how to access our databases in my webpage.  It's been a while since I did it.  Since I can't be in the library with my students, I am going to use jing on the steps to do all of these.  My Teacher Assistant that teaches the actual class will be relieved that students can watch instructions at their own pace instead of her trying to help everyone at once.  I hope one of these links work ok.

 <div class="ab-player" data-boourl="" data-boowidth="100%" data-maxheight="150" data-iframestyle="background-color:transparent; display:block; box-shadow:0 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); min-width:349px; max-width:700px;" style="background-color:transparent;"><a href="">listen to &#x2018;Thing 7 Julie&#x2019; on Audioboo</a></div><script type="text/javascript">(function() { var po = document.createElement("script"); po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true; po.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();</script>

thing 4 RSS

Ok now I know what RSS is.  I had no idea what people were talking about.  L actually thought that it was a counter to see how many people visit your site.  I watched the video on RSS and as I was watching it I created a dashboard with the video.  I found that Google reader is no more, so I used  I connected my twitter and Facebook to it.  I tried to connect our school webpage, but I am on a Surface, with no mouse and I can't figure out how to copy and paste.  I plan to add more to my dashboard.  It is in account and my password is Alex's daughter.  I wrote that out so I won't forget.  It wasn't difficult at all.  I have lots more that I am planning on adding to it.  It is better than having my favorites on 3different devices.

I am already using symbalooedu as my main page for library.  I started using that back in appaluuza thing. It is my home page for my library website.  I am going to keep that going until something better comes song.  I like how it has links for each of the classes that come into the library.  When a teacher asks for me to do something with their class, I create a symbaloo block on my main page with the teacher's name.  Then the students can access the information that we need for class.  It is all conveniently saved until next year and I usually need to check the links and make some modifications.  I don't have to start over at square 1.  It is so easy to update!!   I had to type this in twice because I had too many of my blogs open and accidentally wiped out Thing 4.   Rss is going to be another huge time saver.  I am looking forward to adding to it. 

**I am the middle school librarian to 5-7 grades.  I have never met the students and I do all the library lesson plans and grading.  It really is not a good situation.  Next year they all get their own iPads.   I couldn't be more excited about those library classes.  I am totally rewriting my curriculum and will get to know these students through web tools.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

thing 3 photo sharing

May 31 Thing 3 photo shooting and editing. 

I read the whole page and had to sit back and think about how I could use photos in the library.  I think it would be a good way to document our progress with 1-1 iPads next year.  So I joined Flickr and added my first photo.  It looked great on my phone.  Not so much on my Surface.  Another thing I didn't care for was creating a yahoo account to be on Flickr and there is a limited number of free photos that you can upload. These are strong drawbacks for using it with students.  I'm still going to have some kind of picture project with the students to show off what we are doing in classes and share with the Board of Ed and parents.

Tumblr is blocked in our school.

I created an account with Snapfish.  I think I may create a calendar.  Wouldn't that be fun for our students? Or not?  Is money an issue here?
photo credit: <a href="">Pesky Library</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Now that was cool!  This is awesome.  I am writing how I got this done so I don't forget.  Do a search.  Select a photo. Save in pictures folder.  Copy credit.  Insert photo and credit in page.

 We could definitely grab photos for our research and also easily give them credit.

PS.  I personally own most of the books in this photo. -Julie

photo credit: <a href="">Bobcatnorth</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

May 31 thing 2 Online communities

Catching up today.  I can't seem to think that Facebook is good for me to use for our high school library.  I originally had gotten on Facebook to keep in touch with my children and grand children in Texas, Hawaii, and Alaska.  However we now all have iPhones and we find that facetime is the way to go.  I would be too worried about having drama on my library Facebook.  Our school has My Big Campus and next year our 5-7 students will have iPads.  I recently started buying eBooks and I plan to really get involved in MBC instead of Facebook.  I signed up to follow people on twitter back in November. (when I was working on Cool Tools). Since then, I have found that I am not as interested in it as I thought I would be.  A couple of my twitters that I follow tell me mundane things about their lives.  If I figure out how to stop following those two, I will end those relationships. :). I really love, love, love Pinterest.  Did I say how my I love that Pinterest?  I find so many awesome ideas for the library.  Of course I don't want spend money and they are all about creative ideas!

I've been a part of Library 2.0 for a couple of years.  I receive emails, but I haven't participated.

Somewhere in this class, I was introduced to Edudemic and it is pretty awesome.  I also registered for  I set them up on my iPhone, since that's the one I have all the time.  I think I prefer that right up there with interest.  Its really neat how you can see that I'm not alone in all the changes I have been making in my library world.  My IT guy told me that he thinks its great that I don't sit back and push (print) books.

I love change in the library world, but sometimes I think "whoa".  I remember when I wanted to become a librarian.  There was no internet and computers had just come out.

So I'm reading that I can use a PLN to highlight student work, book discussions, feedback on services, trivia contests, weekly list of titles, answer reference questions, and give information on library services.  I just have to find the PLN that works for me.  But most of all I need to decide what PLN works for my students and faculty.  Email works for faculty, somewhat.  However I'm don't want to be the person that sends emails that become a joke.  We have a person that sends 'news' every Monday.  No one reads them.  I can't see Facebook working either.  Our school has a Facebook account and it seems to be a small population that is connected.  Hopefully next year MBC will take off big time here and I can have my PLN there and do all of the above.  My daughter gave me a Google desk calendar for Christmas.  I post the questions in the hall.  When a student solves the question, we check it, sign it and post the answers on the bulletin board.  With a PLN with followers, I can post the questions every day and students can respond.  Then they can come in the library to pick up a fun size candy bar for answering the Google a day.  The candy is a great motivator.

Our school had us sign a paper that we can't socialize with students through social media.  This was a result of things going from bad to worse. 

I am in charge of doing lessons for grades 5&6 in another building.  If I use MBC with the same guidelines written in Best Practices for Educators, I will have students excited about library class!  I will be able to teach from my building and get to know my students!  The past two years were not fun.
I figured out how to unfollow a person on twitter, but I am still unsure how to use hashtags.  I tried #tlchat and then found that I just spent 30 minutes reading their tweets.  My problem is I can't stop reading!!  I was reading an article of 170 ways to use a word cloud.  It mentions using the Web 2.0 write with me.  I Google it and can't find that tool.

The link for 'Libraries use facebook' didn't work.

I have saved urls and joined another twitter.  I think I have an understanding that I won't use Facebook and twitter with my students.  I will use twitter for resources for teaching.  -Julie

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Using the symbaloo that I created

Tomorrow is the big day.  I have grade 8 social studies students coming into the library do do research.  The teacher gave me some links that he wants me to use.  I looked through them all & create a symbalpp page for the research.  I checked to make sure that they all worked. (two of the ones he gave me were not found).  I added a few more & an eBook from Gale.  I met with the teacher today & we see to be ready for tomorrow.  I hope the classes go great.

5/31/14. We used symbaloo on that lesson and the teachers had different reactions.  One commented that it was too many clicks to get to the information.  I disagreed.  Everything is nicely labeled.  I had taken his webpage parts and put it in a symbaloo link on the library page.  I checked to make sure all the links worked before I added them to my symbaloo.  (half of his links were not working). This really saved time in the actual class.  The other teacher was thrilled that it was all ready and that I went the extra step. I still have symbaloo as my main page in my webpage and I think it looks impressive.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

App paloozi

I'm back.  It's been awhile since I have posted here.  I really need to do more posting.  I had to figure out how to even get on here again.
I spent a snow day working on App paloozi.  I liked the Symbaloo so much that I revamped my webpage with it on it.  The only problem is that sometimes when the link is clicked on, the symbaloo page was not mine that I created.  I think I fixed it this week.  I updated the link on my webpage & noticed that every time that we get on it, it works!!
I am looking forward to see if people use it.  I color coded some of the boxes.  Red is for newspapers.  It looks so much more organized now.