Sunday, June 1, 2014

thing 4 RSS

Ok now I know what RSS is.  I had no idea what people were talking about.  L actually thought that it was a counter to see how many people visit your site.  I watched the video on RSS and as I was watching it I created a dashboard with the video.  I found that Google reader is no more, so I used  I connected my twitter and Facebook to it.  I tried to connect our school webpage, but I am on a Surface, with no mouse and I can't figure out how to copy and paste.  I plan to add more to my dashboard.  It is in account and my password is Alex's daughter.  I wrote that out so I won't forget.  It wasn't difficult at all.  I have lots more that I am planning on adding to it.  It is better than having my favorites on 3different devices.

I am already using symbalooedu as my main page for library.  I started using that back in appaluuza thing. It is my home page for my library website.  I am going to keep that going until something better comes song.  I like how it has links for each of the classes that come into the library.  When a teacher asks for me to do something with their class, I create a symbaloo block on my main page with the teacher's name.  Then the students can access the information that we need for class.  It is all conveniently saved until next year and I usually need to check the links and make some modifications.  I don't have to start over at square 1.  It is so easy to update!!   I had to type this in twice because I had too many of my blogs open and accidentally wiped out Thing 4.   Rss is going to be another huge time saver.  I am looking forward to adding to it. 

**I am the middle school librarian to 5-7 grades.  I have never met the students and I do all the library lesson plans and grading.  It really is not a good situation.  Next year they all get their own iPads.   I couldn't be more excited about those library classes.  I am totally rewriting my curriculum and will get to know these students through web tools.

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