Sunday, June 1, 2014

thing 7 podcasting

I started out with Audioboo.  I signed up through my twitter account and was brainstorming of ways I can use these in my class.  Then I read the small print.  I costs money if you use it too much.  So now I'm going to skip that.  We have no money.
I looked at audioboo again and the. Project they did is similar to one we did with photostory 3 a few years ago.  Its almost identical.  I think with a little more exposure to Audioboo I can come up with some more ideas of how to use it with my unique situation of not seeing the students.  In many places the Audiboo lists as free and then another place it lists as 6.99 a month.

Right now I have my 12-1-1 students learning how to read aloud a children's book to a child. I received an article about how we should read a book aloud.  I took the article a created a month a lessons.  They are practicing the steps mentioned in the article.  The article listed about 30 good read aloud books. Ni borrowed all of them from the public library and had them choose their one book.  Soon we will be reading to pre k students.  I am going to do this again next year, but I will include podcasts.  I will have the students do a podcast for the first time they read the story.  Then when they think they are ready to read to PreK, I will have them do another podcast.  From there, they can critique themselves to see if they feel they are really ready to read to a child.  I have listened to the each student read.  I can hear where they need improvement and make suggestions, but they don't hear what I hear.  With a podcast, I think they will then have more of an understanding of what I am suggesting.

I went in and rediscovered audioboo after watching the video on how to do it.  I now have it on my iPhone and surface.  I even sent the info and podcast to my niece in Aurora, Colorado.  She done with school now, but she teaches photography.  The students can take a photo and do a podcast of what the photo is about or whatever she requires.  Heck, I can do it with my students, to.  Except, I won't be grading the photo.

I saved the article with Mr. Peachey, so I can refer to it for showing other middle school teachers how cool this.  I think I will send the a podcast to encourage them, but first, I need to try it with a few of my students.

I haven't heard the word screencasting before.  I have done Jing in the past.  I did some jings to show people how to access our databases in my webpage.  It's been a while since I did it.  Since I can't be in the library with my students, I am going to use jing on the steps to do all of these.  My Teacher Assistant that teaches the actual class will be relieved that students can watch instructions at their own pace instead of her trying to help everyone at once.  I hope one of these links work ok.

 <div class="ab-player" data-boourl="" data-boowidth="100%" data-maxheight="150" data-iframestyle="background-color:transparent; display:block; box-shadow:0 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); min-width:349px; max-width:700px;" style="background-color:transparent;"><a href="">listen to &#x2018;Thing 7 Julie&#x2019; on Audioboo</a></div><script type="text/javascript">(function() { var po = document.createElement("script"); po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true; po.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();</script>

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